Recommended Reading – Academic
- Dawn Brooker: Person-Centred Dementia Care: Making Services Better, Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2006
- Tom Kitwood: Dementia Reconsidered: The Person Comes First, Open University Press 1997
- Tom Kitwood Edited by Dawn Brooker: Dementia Reconsidered Revisited, The Person Still Comes First, Open University Press 2019
- Prof Brendan McCormack and Angie Titchen: No beginning, no end: an ecology of human flourishing, FoNS 2014 International Practice Development Journal 4 (2)
- Titchen, A. and McCormack, B. with Tyagi, V. (2020) Dancing the Mandalas of Critical Creativity in Nursing and Healthcare. Centre for Person-centred Practice Research, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh
- Wilkinson H (2002) (editor) The Perspectives of People with Dementia: research methods and motivations. London Jessica Kingsley.
- Wilkinson H and McKillop J (2004) Make it easy on yourself! Advice to researchers from someone with dementia on being interviewed. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research. 3, 2: 117-125
- Hill L, Greenwood F, Wilkinson H, McCormack and Schamberger M (2022) Bringing out leaders in dementia (bold): creating the conditions for persons to flourish as social leaders, International Practice Development Journal
Learning and Flourishing
- McCormack, B., Cable, C., Cantrell, J., Bunce, A., Douglas, J., Fitzpatrick, J., Forsyth, N., Gallacher, J., Grant, J., Griffin, L., Guinnane, C., Hollis, K., Kernaghan, K., Kinninmonth, M., Mason, F., Maxwell, G., McIntyre, P., Mullay, S., Ridge, G., Taylor, J., Wilkieson, M., Wilson, E and Wishart, D. (2021) The Queen’s Nurses collaborative inquiry – understanding individual and collective experiences of transformative learning. International Practice Development Journal, 11: 1, Article 2
- Titchen A, McCormack B, Wilson V and Solman A (2011) Human Flourishing through body, creative imagination and reflection, International Practice Development Journal Article 1
- Titchen A and McCormack B (2010) Dancing with stones: critical creativity as methodology for human flourishing, Educational Action Research, 18: 4, 531 – 554
Research with people with dementia
- Daly Lynn, J., Washbrook, M., Ryan, A., McCormack, B. and Martin, S. (2021) Partnering with older people as peer researchers Health Expectations (early view)
- MacLaren J, Nelson M and Wilkinson H (2018) Short Guide to Ethical Practice and Governance for Ethnographic Research with People who have Dementia. University of Edinburgh - Clarke CL Keyes S Kinnaird L Saaramets-Webster C Watson J Wilcockson J Wilkinson H and Williamson T (2020) Whose Research Is This?—Participatory Secondary Data Analysis With People Living With Dementia. NIHR 10.4135/9781529707854
- Kennedy L Wilkinson H and Henstridge C (2019) Buddy Pairs: A novel pilot scheme crafting knowledge exchange between biomedical dementia researchers and people affected by dementia. Dementia (PR)
- Clarke CL Wilkinson H Watson J Wilcockson J Kinnaird L and Williamson T (2018) A Seat Around the Table: Participatory Data Analysis With People Living With Dementia. Qualitative Health Research 1–13 DOI: 10.1177/1049732318774768
- Novak S and Wilkinson H (2017) Safe and inclusive research practices for qualitative research involving people with dementia: A review of key issues and strategies Dementia DOI: 10.1177/1471301217701274
Design and Technology for People Living with Dementia
- Rondon-Sulbaran, J., Daly-Lynn, J., McCormack, B., Ryan, A. and Martin, S. (2019) The transition to technology-enriched supported accommodation (TESA) for people living with dementia: the experience of formal carers, Ageing and Society., pp. 1–22. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X19000588
- Daly-Lynn, J., Rondon-Sulbaran, J., Quinn, E., Ryan, A., McCormack, B. and Martin, S. (2017) A systematic review of electronic assistive technology within supporting living environments for people with dementia, Dementia 0(0) 1–65 DOI: 10.1177/1471301217733649
- Mathews G Marshall M and Wilkinson H (2021) A public inconvenience: better toilets for inclusive travel, Disability & Society, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2020.1867508 (PR)
Dementia Care
- Clarke CL Wilkinson H Keady J and Gibb CE (2011) Risk and Dementia Care. Jessica Kingsley. Awarded 2012 British Medical Association Health and Social Care book of the year (Book)
- Kerr D and Wilkinson H (2010) Night Time Care: Providing care through the night in residential and care homes. Jessica Kingsley. (Now also translated into German and Polish) (Book)
- Clarke CL Wilcockson J Watson J Wilkinson H Keyes S Kinnaird L and Williamson T (2020) Relational care and co-operative endeavour – Reshaping dementia care through participatory secondary data analysis. Dementia 19(4):1151–1172. DOI: 10.1177/1471301218795353 (PR)
- Watchman K Wilkinson H and Hare P (2019) Second edition Supporting Derek: A practice development guide to support staff working with people who have a learning difficulty and dementia. Pavillion Press. London
- Walker E Wilkinson H McCauley A Forbes A (2010) Lets Talk About It: Using stories to improve care for older people: a practical guide. University of Edinburgh.
- Care Commission Working Group (2009) Night time care checklist for care home inspectors.
- Weaks D Wilkinson H Johanson R and McLeod J (2010) A counselling approach to delivering post-diagnostic dementia support. Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal (Special Edition) (NPR)
Living with Dementia
- Andrew J Wilkinson H and Prior S (2021) Guid times wi the bad times: The meanings and experiences of befriending for people living alone with dementia. Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice. (PR)
- Clarke CL Keyes SE Wilkinson H Alexjuk J (et al) (2016) I just want to g-e-t on with my life – A mixed methods study of active management of quality of life in living with dementia. Ageing & Society. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X16001069 (PR)
- Wilkinson H Weaks D and Mccleod J (2014) The emotional processing of living with dementia: the importance of telling the story. Ageing and Society 35, 4 765-784 DOI: 10.1017/SO144686X13001074 (PR)
- Keyes S Clarke C Wilkinson H Alexjuk J Wilcockson J (et al) (2014) We are all thrown in the same boat… A qualitative analysis of peer support in dementia care Dementia DOI: 10.1177/1471301214529575 (PR)
- Ward R Howorth M Wilkinson H Campbell S and Keady J (2012) Supporting the friendships of people with dementia. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research. Special Edition: Dementia and relationships 11: 287-303 (PR)
- Wilkinson H Houston A McKillop J and Taylor L (2020) The price of citizenship: the costs and benefits of activism as a route to everyday citizenship. Chapter 2 in Everyday Citizenship and People with Dementia edited by Ann-Charlotte Nedlund, Ruth Bartlett and Charlotte Clarke. Dunedin Press. (Monograph contribution)