Verse 1.

Congratulations said the midwife, you’re expecting twins

I see twenty tiny fingers, and twenty tiny toes

If you want to know what sex they are, here is some advice

When it comes to buying clothes, buy pink and blue Baby grows

Verse 2.

When my babies were placed in my arms, I made them a vow

You will be treated equally, else I’ll want to know why

You are my children and entitled, to lead your own lives

I want you both to fly high, to reach right up to the sky

Verse 3.

They went to school then on to college, passing their exams

They graduated with honours, they each found a good career

They then rose steadily through the ranks, and both reached the top

Life could not be cosier, the future was rosier.

Verse 4.

After they married they both left the house, but they stayed in touch

Children followed in a few years, both their lives were fulfilled

But problems loomed on the horizon, dementia came calling

My daughter’s husband was ill, her ambitions were now stilled


Carers cry out but no one is listening

Legislation overlooks them when it comes to basic rights

Love helps them soldier on where others would crumble

Under a crushing working shift outlawed centuries ago

Where would loved ones be without a carer day and night

New words dementia reared its head and headhunted her

Her life was turned upside down went from a 5-days week to a 7-days a week

Her weekends spent enjoying herself became a thing of the past

Verse 5.

As he progressed into the illness, she reduced her hours

Until it reached the stage she couldn’t leave him unsupervised

She gave up work to be his carer and it was a shock

No matter how much she sighed, she felt she was ostracized

Verse 6.

She went from working an eight-hour day, to caring twenty-four hours

Her income stopped for carers don’t, get remuneration

Saving the public millions in care costs, their problem is this

They are not in a union, they are out there on their own

Verse 7.

After some years passed my daughter found, it harder to cope

Caring both day in and day out, was too much of a strain

She grew thinner her rosy cheeks paled, not getting her sleep

Let’s all join in the refrain, human rights go down the drain

Verse 8.

Her brother’s wages in the meantime, went from rise to rise

Carer’s allowance was granted, but money was still tight

As if she didn’t have enough worries, his illness got worse

But she never got respite, the Government slept at night


Verse 9.

Stress took its own toll and she succumbed, she took ill as well

A little help along the way could, have helped her subsist

Now they have both been hospitalised, costing a tidy sum

Good support did not exist, now they’re numbers on a list