Sharing a lovely bold ripple from Anne Marie Quinn who let the bold Community know she was looking to relocate and low and behold those little bold ripples of connection worked their magic as Dawn-Claire Irvine, bold Project Manager, explains in this blog.

We’re delighted to share our bold Celebrations film capturing the magic, connection and creativity that sparkles when our amazing bold community come together to thrive and share in the same space.

This film showcases his bold mini commission project as James collaborated with songwriter Yvonne Lyon to put 2 songs he has written to music. ‘I Still Love You’ a song written for James’ wife of 50 years and ‘Diff’rently the Same’ a song James wrote to explain his dementia.

Yvonne describes James as a ‘wonderful lyricist’ and his wife Maureen says his dementia has brought his creative talents to the fore.

bold Partner Jan Brown shares her bold ripple of connecting with fellow bold partners Fenella Kerr and Willy Gilder after relocating from Shetland to her new role as the Heart Meeting Centre Manager in Edinburgh. As Jan reflects “Three months in I look forward to going to work in a vibrant community and meeting like minds and creative spirits.” Thank you for sharing Jan and please read and share Jan’s bold ripple!

bold Partner Annette Berndt her bold journey in this lovely honest and open blog as she explains “For six weeks, I looked forward to “Flourishing Fridays,” when I had the opportunity to get out of my mind, into my body, into the world around me.”. Thank you for sharing Annette!

GRAND (Graphic Novels and Dementia) is an intergenerational collaboration from a group of participants aged between 12-70. bold Partners Valeria Lembo & Willy Gilder brainstormed the idea to produce a graphic novel that would tell his story of living with dementia.

This film showcases his bold mini commission project as James collaborated with songwriter Yvonne Lyon to put 2 songs he has written to music. ‘I Still Love You’ a song written for James’ wife of 50 years and ‘Diff’rently the Same’ a song James wrote to explain his dementia.

Yvonne describes James as a ‘wonderful lyricist’ and his wife Maureen says his dementia has brought his creative talents to the fore.

A bold Celebration in Pictures!
On Monday the 4th of March we boldly Celebrated together. I will write a more detailed blog later but to share the joy of the day quickly for those who couldn’t make it I thought I would give you a wee snap shot in pictures…

After the support from the bold programme & community bold partner Suzie Beresford confidently embarked upon a Masters of Research (MRes). In this final blog Suzie explores how the rest of the data used in this study was gathered and analysed and how it all links together.

We had an amazing week at the First Scottish Dementia Arts Festival in Inverness at Eden Court Theatre and Cinema. We listened to those with lived experience and heard their tales of stigma, how they want to express themselves through song writing, musicals, poetry, drawing, painting, ceilidh dancing and left feeling inspired by & proud of the dementia community we are part of. Please read our third bold blog about the final day!

After the support from the bold programme & community bold partner Suzie Beresford confidently embarked upon a Masters of Research (MRes). This second blog discovers how Suzie’s own experiences relate to the impact of bold.